
Always connected.

Don’t miss a beat - Staple integrates seamlessly with all the tools you’re already familiar with.

teams logo

Microsoft Teams

Get notified when employees submit, comment, or edit expenses. Notifications even come with approval buttons, so you can just click once to approve or reject expenses without leaving Microsoft Teams!

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Oracle NetSuite

More efficient workflows with Oracle NetSuite and Staple API integration - enable automatic synchronisation of expense reimbursements, employee data and projects.

rakuten logo

Rakuten Bank Payment

​​Connect your Rakuten Bank accounts to directly reimburse expenses from Staple. This is available for account owners.

smartGo logo

Smart Go

Connect your Mobile Suica to manage your transactions inside Staple.

(*)SmartGo or SmartGo Staple subscription required

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​​Connect your Moneytree account to import your financial account transaction data into Staple to make expenses.