About ruler

Ruler refers to a person who has a relationship with a corporation that enables him/her to substantially control the management of the corporation's business. (In accordance with the amendment to the 'Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds', we are required to confirm with our customers.)

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Business Type

If you are a Ruler

Capital Majority Decision ・Corporation ・Limited company ・Investment Corporation ・Special purpose company, etc

A:Individuals with more than 50% of voting rights (*1) → Individuals with more than 50% of voting rights only(*2)(*3) B:A If there are no individuals with more than 25% of the population (*1) → All individuals with more than 25% of voting rights(※2)(※3) C:When A and B do not exist and there is an individual who is deemed to have a dominant influence over business activities through investment, financing, transactions, or other relationships. → Applicable individuals D:If A, B, and C do not exist → Individuals who represent the corporation and execute the business of the corporation (representative directors, representative employees, etc.)

Other than the capital majority ・General Partnership ・limited partnership ・Limited company ・General incorporated association ・General incorporated foundation ・Educational Corporation ・Medical corporation ・Religious corporation ・Social welfare service corporation ・Specified Nonprofit Corporation, etc

A:Individuals entitled to receive dividends, etc. in excess of 25% of business profits and business assets(※3)(※4) or B:Individuals who are deemed to have a controlling influence on business activities through investments, loans, transactions, or other relationships. C:If A and B do not exist →An individual who represents a corporation and executes the business of the corporation (representative director, representative employee, etc.)

※1: In addition to 'direct holding,' 'indirect holding' of voting rights is also considered as holding voting rights.

※2: Although the Ruler is considered to be an individual, the national government, local governments, listed companies, and their subsidiaries are also considered to be individuals.

※3: If it is clear that the person does not have the intention or ability to substantially control the management of the business, the person is not considered as the ruler.

※4: Individuals who have the right to receive more than 50% of dividends, etc., if any, and individuals who have a controlling influence on business activities through investments, loans, transactions, and other relationships are considered to be the Ruler.